World Bee Day 20 May 2023
We’d be surprised if you haven’t heard just how important Bees are to our very existence. But, as Mead makers, we might be a bit biased.
World Bee Day may have started in the Northern hemisphere where May is Spring, while here in Australia, its Autumn. But no matter what time of year you think about it, things would be bleak indeed without Bees for our friends and allies.
2023’s World Bee Day will see the Belgian Embassy holding their second befair Here you can visit the Embassy’s own Bees, make a Bee hotel to take home, a seed bomb to make nectar for Bees on your own patch, Snag a Snag for a Snack, buy a bottle of Stone Dog Mead to keep the party going once home, or enjoy a Belgian beer with live music while you try your luck in the Monster Raffle!
This World Bee Day, the Belgian Embassy will again not only be raising Bee awareness, but also vital funds in support of Help on Bee Wings.
Help on Bee Wings is a project of the Ukrainian Beekeepers Association. Their program works to support beekeepers and their families, whose lives and livelihood have been decimated by the war. But after the war, also supporting disabled veterans in the restoration of their destroyed bee farms, as well as other activities which support bees (bee forage plantings, pesticide education initiatives, and more).
Please visit Help on Bee Wings’ site, and see for yourself that not only do they work to support the earth’s essential Bees, but also sincerely support humanitarian efforts.